As of late I have been throwing myself into music. Everything and
anything I can absolutely do to focus on it. Sometimes when you need to
seriously focus on something important; you need to be consumed by it.
That is the plan, I've been searching through music to get inspiration.
I've been writing non-stop. I feel like I have soooo much in my head that I need to say that my brain will explode if I don't get it out on paper. I mean there's only so much room in there between wifey responsibilities, mommy responsibilities, etc. Half the time I can't get the brain to just shut off! So writing is very verrrrry important! This weekend I ventured down to the basement to go through stuff to donate for hurricane sandy relief. I found this little gem! My book of song lyrics from high school! I made this binder in 2003 I believe, but I had songs and poems in there dated as far back as 1998! I know there were older ones than that they just weren't dated. Sometimes I can't decide to laugh or be impressed with myself that I've been writing songs since I was maybe 7 or 8. I mean they were all cheesy little love songs,{I was maybe a little boy crazy back in the day} but what little girl at that age writes songs and poems. {LOL...I'm laughing at myself now}
Now for the frustrating aspect. This is a really slow process. Yes I am doing voice lessons, but as of right now I can only do it twice a week for 30 min. I have a lot to learn with technique. It would've been easier to do when I was younger. When you are an adult you are already set in your ways. So I have to forget everything I know now to learn new ways. I don't really have musicians at my disposal to write with unfortunately. My goal was to get a demo done...just something. So I am at a standstill. I am horrible at being patient. Especially since I've been patient for so many years on this. That is the most frustrating part of this journey far.
On the plus side I have been exploring more on coming up with melodies myself. Nice to have an phone where I can just record little voice memos for myself to email to people and save for reference. So until we meet again on a Monday, hopefully I will have something more to update you on.

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