They say snow. Yet it doesn't snow! I'm beginning to think the weatherman is a liar!
I'm so ready for Spring! It's very short lived here then it gets muggy and hot. What are your fave things for Spring!
I found this fancy blazer/cardi combining my two fave things. Lace and Floral print! Spring always reminds me of everything floral, light and airy, feminine and peaceful.
On A side note: Why does every house have a black hole? I lose so many things all the time! Where do they go. You're missing clothes when you did all the laundry. Missing things from your purse that you dumped out over and over and you never take it out of your purse. I just don't get it! Maybe it's those stinking squirrels. Determined to drive me NUTS! {No Pun intended}
Have a good weekend everyone!!