Thursday, August 20, 2020

Back to {HOME} School

 We are in full swing of back to school stuff here. I really hate the unknown! Which I'm sure you can understand fully how terrible 2020 has been on my brain. I like to have all the information so I can make informed decisions. But It's really no different than being a military wife. Over a decade of being an army wife has prepared me for this pandemic!... Kinda...

 All the schools are doing things so differently. Even here all the counties are doing things differently. We were told later then everyone else that we will be doing remote learning for the first month then they will reevaluate. That answer doesn't help. Another month of the unknown. We literally have been mastering this "one day at a time" mentality. 

I haven't bought any back to school clothes. I attempted to buy "supplies" after a list was posted. Then this morning got a new list and didn't need a good chunk of the supplies. I know its frustrating for everyone across the country. It just feels so aggravating. So I think I'm just going to not do anything until the last minute. The perfect time to showcase my procrastination skills. Another thing I am really good at!

In the mean time while I get my end of summer and fall/winter act together enjoy the last few summer looks in the next few days/weeks! 


Thursday, August 6, 2020

The End.

 I've been thinking about new things to write about. I've been drawing a blank. My thoughts are so jumbled together at the moment that the only way to think clearly is to write out lists. Do one thing at a time. One thought at a time. Then you do the next thing. Which reminds of me that song in Frozen 2. Do the next right thing. 

School is starting soon and I can't deal with the conversations anymore. It's all exhausting. 2020 has been so exhausting. There's so much negativity and toxic words just in the air. I even feel like a broken record just blogging about it now.
I keep thinking of the movie "Tomorrowland" at the end of the movie the reason there was no hope for humanity was because all they ever did was completely consume themselves with the negative in the world. "Wars, famine, global warming, Save the dolphins, save the bees, save the children!"

With all the negativity you snuff out the light, the hope. It's not all fire and brimstone folks. There's love, compassion, truth, grace, mercy etc. 

I'm taking myself out of that narrative. I'm pulling a Taylor Swift. 

"Look what you made me do" 

I don't watch the news. 

I don't believe its the END of the world. However, every day we come closer to it. 

I won't go down the rabbit holes of conspiracy theories. 

I won't live in fear. But I will wear a mask.


The End. 



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