Saturday, May 18, 2013

{Riley's first field trip}

I was very excited to be a chaperone for Riley's first field trip! We got here too fast for my liking, and it's only the beginning. My little baby is growing up! :(
She was so excited for this trip too. We got all ready in the morning I packed her snack and we got to the school and it was chaos of course. Parents and kids everywhere. It wasn't just Riley's class going it was a few other ones so they had two school buses pick them up {Riley was really excited about riding on a bus for the first time}. Us parents drove ourselves and met them at the farm. It was a short but sweet little trip. After all little kids have like no attention span. We each had two kids assigned to us for the day. They split the classes up one group had their snack time and one group took the tour to see the animals. We saw pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, cows and a couple of turkeys! Riley said her favorite was the turkeys. Go figure! {turkeys are really not the cutest animal} Such a cute little day with my baby girl!


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