Saturday, November 6, 2021

Fall behind


Let's talk about these plaid pants for a second. In high school I had a similar pair that were hand me down so they didn't exactly fit me well. I saw them at the store and thought it would be funny to just try them on. Turns out the joke was on me because they were cute and comfortable. So I thought hey why not recreate an old high school outfit but make it current. So here's my second attempt almost 20 years later. I wish I had a picture of that outfit somewhere. I'd have to go searching for it. It might only exist in my mind or maybe even in a yearbook. 

I'm finally gathering my bearings here after an insane month of October. I literally had way too much on my plate. I cannot do that again. They did a whole series about it at church and I'm paying attention. It's hard for me to say no. The irony is I've always been the one to not like when people were too busy. Now I'm eating my words. I promise I'll be better! Honest! Are you having the same problem in your life? Maybe it's a consequence of post covid quarantine. We weren't able to do all this stuff now we are hitting the ground running. Maybe?

I need to prioritize all my responsibilities with all my new ideas and projects. I need to speak up when I'm running into the ground. But also know when to be quiet on some things. I am grateful for all the new opportunities. I feel like they are God's blessings and answers to prayer. But I'm one person.  No need to induce panic attacks on the regular. 

I hope you are figuring out your busy schedules as well. Start this next week off on a better less busy note. Find some time to decompress and breathe. 

Until next time folks!


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