This last weekend I had the best time downtown! I was finally lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. I've lived in Georgia for a couple years now and have never done the SCAD film festival even though I've always wanted to. I randomly saw on Facebook that they were going to be premiering the first episode of my favorite show WITH a q&a panel with the cast and creators. I just about jumped out of my skin and hoped that the tickets weren't outrageously priced. I waited at my computer for the tickets to go on sale. I counted down the minutes and kept refreshing the page. I was ecstatic to see they were only $15 a ticket and it was also when my husband would be home. I couldn't believe how awesome that was!
We got there a few hours before it started hoping to have a nice dinner downtown beforehand. However, people were already lining up to go in. So we had to settle for subway since it was across the street. We got a decent spot in line and talked with other Outlander fans the whole time. They had us line up on the opposite street from where they did the red carpet. I was obviously too excited to be thinking straight because I missed that opportunity. They finally ushered us in and I scored a few seats third row back from the stage. I had never been to the Lucas theater either and it was so gorgeous I definitely want to go back again. The opposite was amazing and I can't wait for the new season to start and the cast was so amazing in person and hilarious! I loved every minute of it. Especially with my handsome husband. We definitely came full circle from him starting this show and getting me into it. Then going to Scotland on our anniversary trip and going on the Outlander tour to seeing the premiere and the cast. It's been so awesome!

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