Friday, May 29, 2020

Heavy hearted truth

It feels so weird to be blogging these days when there's so much going on in the world. It's overwhelming my social media. I don't even watch the news. Sometimes I prefer to live under a rock. Honestly, I can't handle the negative, the bad, the horrendous. I hurt over strangers. I crumble into a ball and cry over people I never met. I'm consumed with dreams constantly. It's my safe place from the world to just hide under the covers. Distraction from the worlds problems. It's getting harder and harder to do so. 
I grieve for the injustice! I'm not really sure what else to say. We have an enormous amount of ugly in this world. It's been there since the beginning. It progresses through the centuries. We can think that we should be better by now. It's 2020 and this shouldn't be happening. All we can do is hope and pray and stand against the evil in this world. 

That was really heavy for a Friday or any day honestly. But I just wanted to share my feelings.


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